What The Wealth Retirement Podcast

Navigating Toward a Secure and Fulfilling Retirement: Insights from a Financial Advisor (101)

Jonathan Bednar II, CFP Episode 101

Retirement is not just a distant dream; it's an achievable destination that requires strategic navigation. The What the Wealth Retirement Podcast unravels the complexities of planning for your golden years. 

As I shift the focus of our discussions, I’m excited to provide content that directly speaks to the retirement goals of our diverse audience. Whether you're dreaming of retiring at 50 or planning to stay active until you're 90, I've got the expertise to guide you through. 

🗓️ Meet with me: https://paradigmwealthpartners.com/begin-your-journey/#calendly
↔️ Connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jbednarii/
🌐 Paradigm Wealth Partners (website) – Financial planning for career professionals who want to retire and stay retired: https://paradigmwealthpartners.com/
🌐 What the Wealth (website) – Adding clarity to difficult financial topics: https://whatthewealth.com/
▶️ YouTube: Paradigm Wealth Partners

If you or someone you care about could use the help of a financial advisor and sees the value in establishing a financial plan, please reach out to me.

Thanks for Listening!


Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the what the Wealth Retirement Podcast. If you're new here, thanks for joining us. If you've been around any of the other hundred episodes I've produced, you might see a little bit different podcast imagery or the name that I just said. I am making a slight change and I'm going to change the podcast from the what the Wealth podcast to the what the Wealth Retirement podcast.

Speaker 1:

In my 15 years of serving clients and practicing as a financial advisor, nine times out of 10, the conversations that we are working with is about retirement. There are obviously ancillary financial planning topics that come up that are very, very important, but most people want to retire at some point and our job at Paradigm Wealth Partners is to help guide you through that retirement. If you're a current client of ours, you know how we work with you. If you're not a client of ours, here's who we work with. We work with people that are retired or looking to retire soon. We work with business owners that usually are five to 10 years from retirement and working on, you know, building up kind of final retirement accounts and trying to come up with an exit strategy for their business so that they can, you know, transition to either another person or pass it down to someone in their family or create some sort of succession as they transition into retirement. And then young career professionals, people usually in their 30s and 40s who are really, really involved in their career or they're raising families but they also want to retire. I get this question all the time and the conversations are usually again about retirement. So you know these people are looking to have someone kind of in their corner, their advocate, so that you know they can outsource some of this work too so that they can do the things they need to do to raise their family and to be successful in their career. So what I've noticed is people all want to retire at different times. I've got people that want to retire at 50 or 55, and I have people that want to retire at 90. And so we can accomplish all of those four clients, guiding them through the process.

Speaker 1:

But it is important that we, I think, stay focused on that retirement concepts, because that is the question I get, like I said, nine out of 10 times. We will still help people with education planning or some tax planning I don't prepare taxes, but we do some tax planning and how we think about investment accounts and how do we pull certain levers or twist certain knobs in your financial planning strategy. So I say all that to say we're going to have a little bit more specific approach going forward in the what the Wealth Retirement Podcast and we're going to be talking more specifically about retirement topics. Now it may apply to a young professional career professional, it may apply to a business owner, it may apply to a retiree. I'll try to tie all of these together. If it applies to you, I think it's good to have the knowledge, no matter what, but some things may or may not apply to you. But I'm going to do a really good job, I think, of trying to tie this into you and your family so that, no matter what stage of life you're in, you can take something away that personally benefits you or benefit someone in your family. So I'm really excited about this change and I think this will kind of reignite some passion behind this podcast that you know. I've been doing this four years and haven't been as consistent this past year as I would like, and I think this is the change I need. I need to kind of refocus. I feel like I was being pulled in too many different directions on what content to talk about and ultimately, I think this is where I personally can provide the most value to my clients and my prospective clients going forward.

Speaker 1:

So if you haven't already subscribed to the what the Wealth Retirement Podcast, take a second to find us on Spotify, apple Podcasts, wherever you listen to your podcasts and subscribe, so that you get updated and notified when we're making or producing and launching new podcast episodes. We're going to get back to producing probably two a month. We may speed up if I have other ideas and topics to talk about, but I think we're going to go with this kind of to a month for a little while and get redialed in on trying to deliver value for the listeners and subscribers that are out there. Also, join us on the Paradigm Wealth Partners YouTube channel. We're going to share these podcasts. We'll share videos over there. On the Paradigm Wealth Partners YouTube channel. We're going to share these podcasts. We'll share videos over there on the Paradigm Wealth Partners YouTube channel. Like and subscribe that channel as well so you're notified when a new podcast and YouTube video go live.

Speaker 1:

If you have questions, reach out to at ParadigmWPcom Info at P-A-R-A-D-I-G-M-W-Pcom. You can also text me at the office if you want a question or there's something that comes up you want me to talk about? Text 865 that's 251-0808. This is a great way for me to source your question. Answer it on the show. Tell me who you are if I don't already know you. I would love to answer more of those listener questions that come up. So, again, we're going to start rocking and rolling. We're moving into 2025, and I look forward to continuing this podcast with you. So thanks for listening to the what the Wealth Retirement Podcast. Be confident in your retirement. Have a wonderful day. Thanks for joining me on another episode of what the Wealth. If you enjoyed the episode today, smash that subscribe button. It helps me more than you think. Also, if you found this episode insightful and a light bulb went off, share it your friend Aunt Judy, the random guy in the office who's always talking about investments.

Speaker 1:

Wealth isn't about just the chain. It's about our choices, chances and changing our financial futures. The information in this podcast is informational, in general in nature and does not take into consideration the listener's personal circumstances. This podcast does not intend to be a substitute for specific financial, legal or tax advice. You should consult the approved qualified professional prior to making a final decision. Securities offered through LPL Financial member FINRA SIPC. Paradigm Wealth Partners is the other business name for Independent Advisor Alliance Investment advice offered through Independent Advisor Alliance, a registered investment advisor. Independent Advisor Alliance and Paradigm Wealth Partners are separate entities from LPL Financial.